Ageless Method?
When your focus is on scales and calories, there's a limit to how long your body will sustain results.
When your focus is on overall healthy living, you turn back the clock. Birthdays will no longer be reminders of aging. They will be celebrations of a life enhanced by health and wellness.
Ageless Method starts with a three-month program designed to teach and reinforce healthy habits. These healthy habits take time to stick. In 90 days, the goal is to turn these healthy habits into a healthy lifestyle.
My Story
In 2005, I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Saint Joseph’s University. That same year, I started my career in Blood Banking at the American Red Cross. In 2010, I started working at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, part of the University Penn Health System. I would type, screen and prepare blood for patients with various chronic illnesses. I knew many of the illnesses - heart disease, orthopedic issues, Type 2 Diabetes - could be prevented or improved through healthy living. In 2012, I went back to school for Exercise Science and earned several fitness certifications and an additional degree in the process.
So many years and so many certifications later, my focus is now on working from inside the body to create lasting results for my clients. Many of their chronic illnesses have been remedied by healthy eating, regular conditioning, and good wellness practices. The clients I train range from athletes to seniors with arthritis and joint replacements. The common thread: their lives have been enhanced by adopting a healthy lifestyle, one which we work hard, year after year, to maintain.